More Misleading Headlines from the Sarasota Herald Tribune

Today I got a link from the FL Association of Realtors with a link to an article in the Sarasota H/T titled:  "Banking Deal May Not Help Local Housing Recovery".

Hello, Herald Tribune?  It's reality calling.  We're already in a year-long real estate market recovery.

This same article quotes a local Realtor, who correctly stated that our local housing inventory for sale is at record lows.  Simple economic principles dictate that low supply and increased demand will create the higher prices and multiple offers most buyers will encounter, especially at the lower end of the price spectrum.

Our local real estate market does not need any "help" from a banking deal with the Feds.  Sarasota has a history of strong buyer demand and higher real estate values than most other parts of Florida.

Instead of creating false expectations of a weak real estate market for out of town buyers, The Herald Tribune should break it's habit of looking at government intervention as the major influencer of a free market, and look instead to all Sarasota has to offer as reasons for the current real estate recovery.


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