Luxury Marketing with the Team Concept | Sarasota FL | David Barr Broker Associate

Have you thought about hiring a high volume Realtor, or one of the "luxury" brokerages to list your Sarasota home for sale?

Think about this: If you have a problem, what are the chances you can talk to the actual person you hired to list your home?

Real estate teams and Sarasota luxury real estate marketing
Does the "team" business model in real estate give you real customer support?

And if a Realtor has 10 or more properties they are listing and marketing at the same time, how often can they hold an Open House for yours?

This last point is most important: Our price per square foot for luxury properties is far below that of Naples or Miami. Sarasota has just as nice beaches, with just as vibrant an arts and cultural scene than both those cities.

When there's little competition other than to get your home sold, it's not a good recipe to get you the very best price for your luxury property.

If you think the Sarasota luxury property market is handled by too few, resulting in low prices, we should talk.

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