When Agents Don't Disclose
A lot of Realtor Associations are good ol' boy clubs, and I think Sarasota Association of Realtors sometimes falls in this category. In this type of atmosphere, the members, in my opinion, seek to go along to get along. I don't subscribe to this philosophy, especially when less than scrupulous behavior is involved, whether legal or not. Here's a case in point. Today, a Broker/Owner, a member of the Trulia online Realtor community, posted a question: "What is your favorite Sarasota webcam?". You can see the thread on their website with this link: http://bit.ly/dIovB6 . I won't get into the ins and outs and whims of how Trulia polices their online community. What irked me was that the Broker owns the Sarasota webcam website, and used the forum to seek to increase traffic to the website, where he also has a large banner ad for his real estate website, at his collegues' expense. So what, you may ask? In our business, we are to...